Zalera - Mist W20 P28
Tuesdays 6-9 PM PST

Here in our cozy and casual seaside space, we host a SFW immersive roleplaying venue where you can enjoy delicious seafood and refreshing drinks with friends new and old.

Next opening in...

    We're closed during the Dawntrail release!
    We look forward to seeing you when we come back!

    Syncshell info in Discord server


    We strive to provide a welcoming and safe place for our guests. Make sure to read over our rules. If you are new to the RP scene, we also have a guideline section for those who would like some pointers.

    • This is a SFW venue, so do refrain from NSFW RP.

    • Be considerate towards the staff and other patrons, and do be mindful about consent.

    • Harassment, bullying, discrimination, drama, and trolling are not tolerated.

    • Kindly stow away your weapons during your visit.

    • Kindly tuck away your minions, too. However, if you wish to have your little friends out for RP purposes, then we welcome them with open arms!

    • Do not impersonate the staff. Staff members are listed in the about section of the website, tagged as "staff" on discord, and will have the blue Party Finder or Flag tag by their name in the game.

    • Refrain from talking about MSQ content or future content in public, so as not to spoil anything for other guests. You're more than welcome to do so in private.

    • If you experience any issues, please bring them to the owner. Kindly do not bring them to the other staff members as they are at the venue to have fun.

    • Those who do not follow the venue rules and/or display disruptive behavior will be approached by the owner and may be asked to leave.


    New to RP? No sweat! Below are some guidelines to help those who want to dip their toes into the RP scene. These aren't hard fast rules as much as they are general ways that RPers interact with each other, whether in character or out of character.

    When speaking in character, people usually use quotation marks.

    • "Hello, my name is Billy Bob."

    • "How are you today?"

    When speaking out of character, people use a variation of parenthesis or brackets, such as the following below:

    • ((Sorry, mistype))

    • (Spelling correction here*)

    • Brb)

    • WB!))

    • [i'm lagging a bit]

    To perform an action through text, you can use /em followed by whatever you'd like for your character to do. For example, if you type in: /em does a happy dance!

    • Character Name does a happy dance!

    Light blue text will pop up in the chatbox with the above message with your character's name.

    Sometimes people go AFK. If a character doesn't respond to you for awhile, feel free to move on. We'll do our best to inform you if someone is away.

    The chat may move quickly at times. If someone hasn't responded to you and they aren't AFK, send them a PM to check in. It is more than likely that they accidentally missed your post.

    If you have any questions, feel free to DM on Discord or send a tell to Toraal Angura.